Unless stated otherwise all kihon moves are started in shiai kamae (freestyle), turn into gedan barai then shiai kamae.
- Kizami-zuki, oi-zuki, suri-ashi, gyaku-zuki
- Mae-geri, jun-zuki, suri-ashi, gyaku-zuki
- Yoko-geri kekomi, uraken, gyaku-zuki
- Mawashi-geri, uraken, gyaku-zuki
- Ushiro-geri, uraken, gyaku-zuki
- Kizami-mae-geri, mawashi-geri, gyaku-zuki
- Mae-geri, yoko-geri kekomi, mawashi-geri, ushiro-geri, gyaku-zuki (once forward, turn and once back)
Bassai Dai (with two pieces of bunkai)
Jiyu ippon kumite. All techniques must be controlled. Jodan, chudan, mae-geri, yoko-geri kekomi, mawashi-geri, ushiro-geri (left and right, once each side).
Jiyu kumite. All techniques must be controlled (Shobu ippon scoring. Examiner(s) choice on number of bouts).
Candidates are also required to have done at least 3 month's training and 24 lessons.